PSC Question Search

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What is eDROP ?

The project "eDROP" provides a web based solution for all matters related to posting of officials for election duty. "eDROP" is an acronym for Electronically Deploying Officers for Polling duty.

 The State Election Commission will use this electronic system, ‘e-drop,' to deploy 2.25 lakh government employees for the local body elections in October.
The system, developed by K. Suresh, informatics officer of the National Informatics Centre, Thrissur, exclusively for civic elections, will introduce a uniform deployment procedure and help avoid complaints regarding posting of polling staff on political and other considerations. The software can be used to identify the staff in each polling booth - Hindu News


  1. eDROP – electronically Deploying Randomly Officers for Polling duty, a web based solution designed and developed by NIC Thrissur for State Election Commission Kerala was rolled in Thrissur District by Smt Girija ADM & Collector in charge. Smt Bhargavi Dy Collectr Election and Smt Ruby Dy. Director Panchayat addressed the participants. SH. Suresh K DIO, NIC demonstrated the eDROP software and activity sequence. This software can be used for all posting related activities for the Elections. - NIC Kerala
