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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Reference Books for HSST Computer Science / Application

Based on the syllabi prescribed by Kerala PSC , here are the some useful text books for further reference. Please go through the following text books to secure a good rank in PSC HSST Examination in computer science.

1. Operating System Concepts - Abraham Silberschatz

Module No : 1
Module I: (12 hours) Review of Operating System strategies - Resources, Processes, Threads, Objects - Operating System organization - Design factors, functions and implementation considerations. Devices - Characteristics, controllers, drivers - Device Management approaches - Buffering, Device Drivers - Typical Scenarios such as serial communications, storage devices etc.
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Module No : 2
Module II: (12 hours) Process Management - System view - Process address space - Process and Resource abstraction Process hierarchy - Scheduling mechanisms - Various strategies. Synchronization - Interacting & coordinating processes - Semaphores - Deadlock - Prevention, Avoidance, Detection and Recovery.
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Module No : 3
Module III: (12 hours) Memory Management - Issues - Memory Allocation, Dynamic Relocation, various management strategies. Virtual Memory - Paging - Issues and Algorithms - Segmentation  Typical implementations of paging & segmentation systems.
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Module No : 4
Module IV: (8 hours) File Management - Files - Implementations, storage abstractions - Memory mapped files  Directories and their implementation.
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Module No : 5
Protection and Security - Policy and mechanism - Authentication, Authorization. Case study of Unix Kernel and Microsoft Windows NT (concepts only).
Books :Abraham Silberschatz

2. Software Engineering Concepts - Fairley

Module No : 1Module Name :
Module I: (10 hours) Introduction: FAQs about Software Engineering, professional and ethical responsibility, system modeling, system engineering process. The Software Process: Life cycle models, iteration, specification, design and implementation, validation, evolution, automated process support. Software Requirements: Functional and non-functional requirements, user requirements, system requirements, SRS. Requirements Engineering Processes: Feasibility studies, elicitation and analysis, validation, management. System Models: Context models, behavior models, data models, object models, CASE workbenches.
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Module No : 2Module Name :
Module II: (10 hours) Software Prototyping: Prototyping in the software process, rapid prototyping techniques. Formal Specification: Formal specification in the software process, interface specification, behavior specification. Architectural design: System structuring, control models, modular decomposition, domain-specific architectures, distributed systems architecture.
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Module No : 3Module Name :
Module III: (8 hours) Object-oriented Design: Objects and classes, an object oriented design process case study, design evolution. Real-time Software Design: System design, real time executives. Design with Reuse: Component-based- development, application families, design patterns. User Interface Design: Design principles, user interaction, information presentation, user support, interface evaluation.
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Module No : 4Module Name :
Module IV: (11 hours) Dependability: Critical systems, availability and reliability, safety, security, critical systems specifications, critical system development. Verification and Validation: Planning, software inspection, automated static analysis, clean room software development. Software Testing: Defect testing, integration testing, object oriented testing, testing workbenches, critical system validation. Software Evolution: Legacy systems, software change, software maintenance, architectural evolution, software re-engineering, data reengineering.
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Module No : 5Module Name :
Module V: (13 hours) Software Project Management: Project planning, scheduling, risk management. Managing People: Group working, choosing and keeping people, the people capability maturity model. Software Cost Estimation: .Productivity estimation techniques, algorithmic cost modeling, project duration and staffing. Quality Management: Quality assurance and standards, quality planning, quality control, software measurement and metrics. Process Improvement: Process and product quality, process analysis and modeling, process measurement, process CMM. Configuration Management: Planning, change management, version and release management, system building, CASE tools for configuration management.
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References :Software Engineering Concepts - Fairley

3. Fundamentals of Database Systems - Elmasri and Navathe

Module No : 1Module Name :
Module I: (12 hours) Introduction: Characteristics of database approach, Advantages of using DBMS, Database concept and architecture, Data Models, Schemes, instances, data independence. Database languages and interfaces. Database modeling using Entity - Relationship (ER), Entity sets attributes and keys. Relationships, type role and structural constraints. Weak Entity types. Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) and object modeling. Sub classes, super classes and inheritance, Specialization and generalization, Modeling of Union types.
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Module No : 2Module Name :
Module II: (10 hours) File organization and storage, Secondary storage devices - RAID technology. Operations in files - heap files and sorted files - hashing techniques. Types of single level ordered index, multi-level indexes - B �trees and B + trees, Indexes on multiple keys, other types of indexes.
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Module No : 3Module Name :
Module III: (14 hours) Database design. Functional dependencies, Normal forms, General definition of second and third normal forms, Boyce -Codd Normal form. Multi valued dependencies and fourth normal form. Join Dependencies and fifth normal form. Inclusion dependencies. Practical Database design tuning, Database design process Relational Model concepts, Relational algebra operations. Queries in SQL, Insert, delete and update statements in SQL views in SQL.
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Module No : 4Module Name :
Module IV: (8 hours) Transaction processing - Desirable properties of transactions, Schedules and recoverability - Serializability of Schedules concurrency control - locking techniques, time stamp ordering multi version concurrency control, granularity of data items.
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Module No : 5Module Name :
Module V: (8 hours) Database recovery techniques based on deferred up data and immediate updating, shadow pages, ARIES recovery algorithm, Database security and Authorization - security issue access control based on granting/revoking of privileges introduction to statistical database security.
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4.Microsoft Computer Dictionary

5.Information Practices - Text book for XI & XII  classes

6. Java Programming - Herbert Schildt

7. Computer Networks - Tanenbaum

8. UGC NET Computer Application Paper II and Paper III

9. Computer Science GATE Exam Preparation Material

10. Graph Theory & Combinatorics

Module No : 1
Module I: (12 hours) Introduction to graphs, definitions, sub graphs, paths and cycles, matrix representation of graphs, Euler tours, Chinese Postman problem, Planar graphs, Euler's formula, platonic bodies, applications of Kuratowski's theorem, Hamiltonian graphs, graph coloring and chromatic polynomials, map coloring.
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Module No : 2
Module II: (8 hours) Trees, definitions and properties, rooted trees, trees and sorting, weighted trees and prefix codes, bi connected components and articulation points, Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms for minimal spanning trees.
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Module No : 3
Module IV: (11 hours) Fundamental principles of counting, permutations and combinations, binomial theorem, combinations with repetition, Combinatorial numbers, Principle of inclusion and exclusion, deringements, arrangements with forbidden positions.
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Module No : 4
Module V: (14 hours) Generating functions, partitions of integers, the exponential generating function, the summation operator, Recurrence relations, first order and second order, non homogeneous recurrence relations, method of generating functions.
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Reference Blogs & Websites

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