PSC Question Search

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

IT Quiz Questions prepared for High School and HSS Students

1. Which IT company has the nickname 'Big Blue'

2. Latest version of Google android ?
A: 4.2 Jelly Bean

3.Founder of Wikipedia ?
A: Jimmy Wales

4. The book ' Weaving the web ' written by
A: Tim Berners Lee

5.Which company recently acquired Sun Microsystems
A: Oracle

6. Who got ' Alen Turing' Award recently
A: Judea Pearl

7. What a Blog means
A: Web Log

8. The AI application SIRI developed by
A: Apple

9. CEO of Apple Inc .
A: Tim Cook

10. Founder of Google
A: Larry Page and Sergi Brin

11. Yahoo stands for
A: "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle"

12. The term VIRUS stands for
A: Vital Information Resources under siege

13. e-Learning Software A-View stands for
A:Amrita Virtual Interactive E-Learning World

14. Twitter posts are called
A: Tweets

15. Founder of Facebook
A: Mark Zuckerberg


  1. information technology quiz questions for high school students.

  2. information technology quiz questions for high school students.
