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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Short Cut Keys and Function Key Usage in MS-OFFICE : Most Useful for Bank Examinations ( IBPS )

Short Cut Keys and Function Key Usage in MS-OFFICE
CTRL+A Selects the entire worksheet / document
CTRL+B Applies or removes bold formatting.
CTRL+C Copies the selected cells.
CTRL+C followed by another CTRL+C displays the Clipboard.
CTRL+D Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below.
CTRL+F Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Find tab selected.
CTRL+G Displays the Go To dialog box. F5 also displays this dialog box.
CTRL+H Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Replace tab selected.
CTRL+I Applies or removes italic formatting.
CTRL+K Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for new hyperlinks or the Edit Hyperlink dialog box for selected existing hyperlinks.
CTRL+N Creates a new, blank workbook.
CTRL+O Displays the Open dialog box to open or find a file.
CTRL+P Displays the Print dialog box.
CTRL+R Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell of a selected range into the cells to the right.
CTRL+S Saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format.
CTRL+T Displays the Create Table dialog box.
Short Cut Keys and Function Key Usage in MS-OFFICE
CTRL+U Applies or removes underlining.
CTRL+V Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection.
CTRL+W Closes the selected workbook window.
CTRL+X Cuts the selected cells.
CTRL+Y Repeats the last command or action, if possible.
CTRL+Z Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry that you typed.
Function keys
F1 Displays the Microsoft Office Excel Help task pane.
F2 Edits the active cell and positions the insertion point at the end of the cell contents. It also moves the insertion point into the Formula Bar when editing in a cell is turned off.
F3 Displays the Paste Name dialog box.
F4 Repeats the last command or action
F5 Displays the Go To dialog box.
F6 Switches between the worksheet, Ribbon, task pane, and Zoom controls. In a worksheet that has been split (View menu, Manage This Window, Freeze Panes, Split Window command), F6 includes the split panes when switching between panes and the Ribbon area.
F7 Displays the Spelling dialog box to check spelling in the active worksheet or selected range.
Short Cut Keys and Function Key Usage in MS-OFFICE
Turns extend mode on or off. In extend mode, Extended Selection appears in the status line, and the arrow keys extend the selection.
F9 Calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks.
F10 Turns key tips on or off.
F11 Creates a chart of the data in the current range.

F12 Displays the Save As dialog box

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