PSC Question Search

Monday, May 19, 2014


PROGRAMME NO. 06/2014 (Item No. 9)

 (CATEGORY NO. 44/2011)
1. Nutrition and Food Science
1. Terms used in Nutrition.
2. Nutrients. Composition and classification, source, functions, digestion, daily
requirements, deficiency
3. Energy - unit of energy, requirement and factors affecting it- BMR, RMR, SDA,
growth and development activity, food as a source of energy, effects of deficiency and
4. Effect of heat on food and its nutrients
5. Food preservation
6. Food Processing - Preparations of seasonal fruits and vegetables, Canning and bottling,
Fruit beverages, Jams, Jellies and Marmalades, Brewed and synthetic vinegars, Tomato
products, Pickle, Chutneys and sauces. Preserves and candies

7. Flavour and aroma of fruits and vegetables, Pigments in fruits and vegetables and effect of
8. Food additives and Leavening agents.
9. Adulteration - Definition, common food adulterants, toxic effects, detection of adulterants
10. Dietetics - Planning and balancing meals, balanced diets, special needs ( children,
adults, old), over weight -Low calorie diet, Fibre restricted and high fibre diets,
Factors influencing food intake and food habits ( cultural, social, economic,
psychological, religious, moral, age, sex, emotion & illness)
2. Food production
1. Culinary History
2. Kitchen organization structure
3. Aims & objectives of cooking
4. Cooking materials
5. Preparation of Ingredients - weights and volume equivalent, Mise-en place,
methods of mixing food, texture
6. Spices, herbs, condiments, Indian masalas, colourings, seasonings and flavourings-
History, sources, characteristics, preparation of wet and dry masalas, spices and
herb blends
7. Methods of cooking.
8. Non-Alcoholic Beverages-Hot and cold. Classification and preparation
9. Stocks-Aims, preparation, classification, clarification
10. Soups and Starters, Sauces, Cereals and Farinaceous products, Milk and milk products, Fats
and oils, Vegetables, Pulses and Fruits, Fish, Meat, Eggs
11. Cold Kitchen, Gardemanger, Larder control
12. Pastas, Bread and Basic doughs
13. Accompaniments & garnishes.
14. Breakfast cooking
15. Invalid Cookery
16. Culinary terms.
17. International cuisines, its origin, concepts, ingredients and dishes
18. Menu planning, principles and application, Portion control, standard portion sizes, necessity
for control, brief study of how portions are worked out.
 3. Food and Beverage Services
1. Growth of the catering industry and its evolution.
2. Types of catering establishments, Commercial, welfare and career opportunities.
3. Structure of the F & B Service department.
4. Operating equipment - Crockery, glassware, hollowware, cutlery, and flatware. Their
maintenance and upkeep.
5. Types of service - American, English, French, Gueridon, Russian, and Indian.
Mise-en scene, Mise- en place, laying of a cover, Social skills.
6. Types of Menus - Origin of Menu, Table d'hote menu, a la carte menu, French classical
menu, Indian regional menus
7. Menu planning, Guidelines of menu compilation, French menu terminology, Classical dishes
and their accompaniments
8. Ancillary areas and their functions.
9. Kitchen stewarding
10. Beverages - Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic
11. Bar and Banquet Operations
4. Hygiene and Food Sanitation
1. Personal hygiene
2. Hygiene in the kitchen and store
3. Hygiene in storage of raw and cooked foods
4. Food contamination, poisoning and food borne diseases
5. Hygiene in building and pest control
6. Dish washing and Garbage disposal
7. Water- Importance of water, Sources of water supply, Purification of water through Filtration,
chlorination, boiling, decantation and ion exchange. Hygiene of ice making. Potable water.
8. First Aid
5. Maintenance and Services
1. Fuels - Gas and Electricity, Heat transfer.
(1) Gas Leakage and Detection
(2) Voltage, current, resistance, Ohms law, power energy units and simple conversation.
(3) Conductors, insulators, Properties and application.
(4) Wiring system - Battery wiring, conduct wiring, wiring fittings and accessories - cable
Switches, fuses and lamp holders.
(5) Types of supply - single phase, three phase, light and fan circuits, single phase, power circuit.
(6) Importance of Earthing - Safety precautions, Maintenance of electrical equipment, utility and
specifications, use of thermostat in electrical equipments
(7) Calculation of power requirements, bill calculations and meter reading.
2. Refrigeration
(1) Care and maintenance of refrigerators.
(2) Care and maintenance of water coolers and air conditioners.
3. Water and Sanitation
(1) Hard and soft water - Use of water softeners.
(2) Construction and working of various types of flushing cisterns.
(3) Study of traps and water control taps, Bibcock and stop cock.
(4) Function of waste pipe and antisiphon pipe.
(5) Inspection chambers, sewer blockings, leakages and their remedies.
(6) Fire, Fire prevention and fire fighting. Uses of fire extinguishers
6. Catering Management and accounting
1. Introduction to catering Industry - an overview, various segments of industry.
2. Organization of personnel of catering units
3. Types of operation - contract, Departmental, Co-operative society
4. Catering facility planning- design, layout, flow of catering materials and men & lighting,
Ventilation factors etc. 5. Equipments selection and purchases
6. Catering activities - Food and Beverage purchases
7. Purchase specifications, Methods of buying, Contract, Open market
8. Food receiving and storage principles and practices.
9. Issuing and inventory management
10. Production forecast, indenting, left over management
11. Minimizing waste at various stages, labour saving techniques.
12. Food merchandising and sales - display, Presentation, Promotion, Sales Service,
Human relations.
13. Food and Beverage control- Catering control- Installing check.
14. Measures and control measures at various stages of catering activities
15.Costing, Accounting and finance - Concepts of cost, Elements (components) of cost, Actual' and
standard costs, Pricing, Policies and practice, Control cycle, Weighing, Measures and calculation
16.16. General Book-keeping. Journal, Ledger, Trial balance, Cash Book, Trading Account, Profit
and Loss Account, Balance sheet. Stock and Store accounting system, Material and cash control.
7. Law
1. Indian contract Act 1872
2. Sales of good Act 1930
3. Hotels/Restaurants License registration
4. Law pertaining to Food Services - Standards weight and measures Act 1956, Prevention of
Food Adulteration Act 1954 (Definition, Types, Common adulterants and home scale
methods of detecting adulterants; Food Laws - PFA, BIS, AGMARK, FPO, HACCP, etc.)
5. Insurance Law
6. Labour law overviews- The objectives of the below Acts

(1) Workman's compensation Act 1948.
(2) Payment 61 wages Act 1948.

NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed
above, questions from other topics prescribed for the
educational qualification of the post may also appear in the
question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics
above may be covered in the question paper.

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