PSC Question Search

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Solved Papers of Sub Inspector

1. Par sec is the unit of :

2. Detergents are sodium or potassium salts of :
A: Sulphonic acids

3. The ultimate source of energy is :
A: Sun

4. Non metals are generally bad conductors of electricity. however graphite is a good conductor of electricity because
A: It has loosely bound electrons

5. Thiokol is a
A: Synthetic rubber

7. A Solution of washing soda is a
A: Basic

8. Anaemia is caused by the defeciency of all of these except :
A: Zinc

9.Bottles of fruit juice , squash, soup are certified by ______ to testify the purity and quality of food

10. Bowmans capsule is a part of
A: Nephron

Part - II Continue...

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