PSC Question Search

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Agriculture Officer Model Question Paper

1. This ‘Biofertilizer’ is a nitrogen fixing micro-organism, beneficial for non-leguminous as well as for vegetable crops—
(A) Rhizobium (RHZ)
(B) Azotobacter (AZT)
(C) Azospirillum (AZS)
(D) Blue Green Algae (BGA)
(E) Phosphate Solubilising (PSB) mobilizing bacteria

2. What percentage of total area under Banana cultivation in India presently, is cultivated by using Tissue-cultured (GMO) plantlets ?
(A) 10 per cent
(B) 15 per cent
(C) 20 per cent
(D) 25 per cent
(E) 30 per cent

3. As per the recent ‘Micro-credit Summit (2007)’, what percentage of total Micro Finance Institutions (MFls) in India serves less than, 10,000 clients (number of clients per MFI) ?
(A) 70 per cent
(B) 75 per cent
(C) 80 per cent
(D) 85 per cent
(E) 90 per cent

4. Fisheries Sector in India contributes what percentage of Agricultural—‘Gross Domestic Product’ (GDP), as on March 2007 ?
(A) 2·5 per cent
(B) 3·5 per cent
(C) 4·5 per cent
(D) 5·5 per cent
(E) 6·5 per cent

5. This agricultural product/horticultural crop requires 2 degree Celsius temperature and 90 per cent humidity for storing in the cold storage—
(A) Mango pulp
(B) Roses
(C) Mushroom
(D) Milk Products
(E) Fish Products

6. The plan outlay for Irrigation Sector to total plan outlay in India was highest (12·5 per cent) in this Five Year Plan (FYP)—
(A) VIth Five Year Plan
(B) VIIth Five Year Plan
(C) VIIIth Five Year Plan
(D) IXth Five Year Plan
(E) Xth Five Year Plan

7. The recommended ratio of use of NPK, the chemical fertilizer by farmers in India is—
(A) 2:2:2
(B) 3:2:1
(C) 4:2:1
(D) 5:2:1
(E) 6:2:1

8. This state is a leader in production and export of the Gherkins (Hybrid Cucumber) under the Contract Farming—
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Kerala
(E) Maharashtra

9. What should be the optimum spacing (in meters) for planting ‘Pusa Nanha’ variety of Papaya under the High Density Planting ?
(A) 1·25 m × 1·25 m
(B) 1·50 m × 1·50 m
(C) 1·75 m × 1·75 m
(D) 2·00 m × 2·00 m
(E) 2·50 m × 2·50 m

10. Dramatic increase in food prices world over had severe consequences for third world countries (FAO, 2008). How many countries in the world are now facing food crisis, because of this phenomenon?
(A) 35 countries
(B) 36 countries
(C) 37 countries
(D) 38 countries
(E) 39 countries

11. How many outbreaks of ‘Avian Influenza (H5N1)’ were recorded in West Bengal and Tripura during January 2008 and May 2008 ?
(A) 37
(B) 39
(C) 40
(D) 41
(E) 42

12. According to Dr. C. Rangarajan ‘Committee on Financial Inclusion (2007)’, what percentage of Rural Population in India holds Bank Account ?
(A) 18 per cent
(B) 24 per cent
(C) 31 per cent
(D) 35 per cent
(E) 40 per cent

13. Which one of the following Indian States is the largest beneficiary or gainer of the SGSY–credit extended by Banks during 2006–07 ?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Bihar
(C) Orissa
(D) Uttar Pradesh
(E) None of these

14. This variety of Tomato is highyielding with good quality fruits and suitable for Jharkhand State for cultivation-
(A) Swarna Lalima
(B) Swarna Shyamali
(C) Swarna Pratibha
(D) Swarna Shree
(E) Swarna Manohar

15. How many plants/trees of Amrapali variety of mango could be profitably accommodated, when planted at 5·0 m × 5·0 m (square method) per hectare ?
(A) 1,400 plants
(B) 1,500 plants
(C) 1,600 plants
(D) 1,700 plants
(E) None of these

Agriculture Officer Solved Questions and Answer Key

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