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Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Greetings From PSC Questions

2013 may bring you a good luck and a rewarding career . Happy New Year 2013

Best Wishes 
PSCTrainer Team

Sunday, December 30, 2012

UGC December 2012 :Solved Questions

Solved Question Paper - I 

? 'Minamata disaster ' in Japan was caused by  pollution due to

?.Biomagnification means increase in the
Concentration of pollutants in living organisms

?.Nagoya Protocol is related to

?.ALU stands for
Arithmetic Logic Unit

?.A personal computer uses a number of chips mounted on a circuit board called
Mother Board

?.Computer Virus is a

?.The file extension of MS-Word document in Office 2007 is

?Protocol used by email clients to download emails to your computer

?.The pioneer of the silent feature film in India was
Dada Sahib Phalke

?.Conversing with the spirits and ancestors is termed as
Transpersonal communication

?The largest circulated daily newspaper among the following is
The Times of India

? The missing number in the series 0,6,24,60,120,? , 336

? Examiner - Examinee ,  Pleader - Client  , Preceptor - ?

?The type of communication that the teacher has in the classroom, is termed as

?Which of the following sampling methods is based on probability ?
Stratified sampling

More >>
Errors and omission expected..if u have any other answer pls comment here.

Friday, December 28, 2012

National Eligibility Test - December, 2012

National Eligibility Test - December, 2012
for Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Lectureship

Best Wishes for NET Aspirants.
The answer key will be published soon after the exam. All are welcome to contribute answer key here.

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) : Contract Engineers for Bihar : 36 posts

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), India’s premier Navaratna Defence Electronics Company requires Engineers on contract basis for a period of one year for the project being implemented at Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand states by Smart Cards Division of Components
SBU of BEL Bangalore unit through walk-in-selection :

  • Contract Engineers for Bihar : 36 posts ( Biometric Data Centers-6, Field Biometric Operations - 30) 
  • Pay Scale :  Rs. 12000 per month consolidated, Age : 25 years as on 01/12/2012.
 How to Apply :  Candidates meeting the above criteria may mail the advance copy of the filled in
application format to and attend the selection on 06/01/2013 at 9.30 am at Bankipur Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Opposite Gol Ghar,  Gandhi Maidan, Patna - 800001 (Bihar).

Please view for more information and application format is available at

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

South Malabar Gramin Bank (SMGB) Vacancies

South  Malabar Gramin Bank invites online applications from Indian citizens, for the posts of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) (Assistant Manager) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) who have appeared for the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and declared qualified. 

  • Officer  JMG Scale-I (Assistant Manager): 75 posts, Pay Scale  : Rs.14500-25700/-, Age : 18-28 years
  • Office-Assistant (Multipurpose): 100 posts, Pay Scale  : Rs.7200-19300/-, Age : 18-28 years  
How to Apply: Apply Online at South Malabar Gramin Bank website only between 17/12/2012 and 07/01/2013. 
Please visit for all the details,  and Online submission of application.

Monday, December 24, 2012

118/2012 Solved PSC Question : Housing Board Assistant : IT Questions : 2012

1. The digital security system that uses some unique characteristic of human biology to identify authorized users:
(A) Biometrics  (B) PIN Number  (C)Encryption  (D)Password

2. An artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user accepts it as a real environment.
(A) Virtual Reality (B)Digital Reality (C)Dream  (D)Artificial Reality

3. Unwanted bulk messaging into email inbox is known as
(A) Surfing   (B) Browsing (C)Spamming  (D)Editing

4. The practice and study of techniques for secure data communication in the presence of third parties:
(A) Folding  (B) Cryptography (C)Hiding  (D)Phishing

5.The process of discovering new pattern from large data sets :
(A) Data warehousing (B) Data Mining (C) Querying   (D) Searching

6.The part of a computer which is equivalent to human brain :
(A) Input Unit (B) Output Unit (C) Central processing Unit   (D) Storage Unit

7.Which of the following is not a search engine :
(A) Tally (B) Google (C) Alta vista   (D) Bing

8.Find the binary equivalent of decimal number 31
(A) 11111 (B) 1111 (C) 111111  (D) 111

9.The set of programs which acts as an interface between user and computer
(A) Interpreter (B) Operating System (C) Co-ordinator   (D) Assembler

10.The device that allows a single communication channel to carry simultaneously data transmitted from many terminals
(A) Multiplexer (B) Repeater (C) Amplifier  (D) Modem

Friday, December 21, 2012

Sailors @ Indian Navy

Applications are invited from unmarried Male  Candidates for Enrollment as Sailors for Sailor - Artificer Apprentice (AA) - 134 Batch, Course Commencing  August 2013.
Age : Candidates to be born between 01 August 1993 to 31 July 1996; both dates inclusive)

Educational Qualifications : Qualified in 10+2 / equivalent examination with 55% or more marks in aggregate with Maths & Physics and atleast one of these subjects Chemistry/ Biology/ Computer Science.

Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 plus Grade Pay Rs.2000/- plus MSP Rs.2000/- plus allowances as admissible.

Selection Criteria : Selection of recruits is based on the order of merit on their performance in Written Test, Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and fitness in the Medical Examinations.

How to Apply: Apply Online at Nausena Bharti website from15/12/2012 to 31/12/2012  take print out of the system generated application format and send it on or before 06/01/2013.

Details and Application Forms/ Online submission of application is available at

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


ugc net dec 2012 exam centres

See your allotted UGC NET / JRF Exam centre here at the following website links.

Single Window Operators (Clerical Cadre) @ Central Bank of India

Central Bank of India, a leading Public Sector Bank, invites Online applications from Indian Citizens for appointment of Single Window Operators (Clerical Cadre), from Indian Citizens who have appeared in the Common Written Examination (CWE) for recruitment in clerical cadre conducted by IBPS in 2011-12 and have valid Score Card issued by IBPS, Mumbai. :
  • Single Window Operators (SWO) : 3196 posts (UR-1669, OBC-755, SC-493, ST-279) (PH-96, Ex.SM-463), Pay Scale : 7200-19300, Age : 18-28 years as on 01/08/2011
Application Fee : RS. 100/- for General & OBC Category Candidates only and Rs. 20/- for others as intimation charges at any Central Bank of India Branches in India by cash only thru a payment challan. 

How to Apply : Apply  Online at Central Bank website from22/12/2012 to 07/01/2013 only.

Details as available at  AND/OR Please visit Career section of Central Bank of India website  at for details and online submission of application from 22/12/2012 onwards. 

Great Inventions in the history of Computers

1. 3000 B.C Invention of the abacus marks the beginning of computers. For the first time, people use a calculating device to do math.

2.1640 Blaise Pascal invents the Arithmetic Machine.

3.1822 Charles Babbage invents the Difference Engine, for use for subtracting numbers.

4.1830 Charles Babbage invents the Analytical Engine.

5.1937 Alan Turing invents the Turing Test, which determines whether something is human or not

6.1943. First electronic general purpose computer, the ENIAC, is invented.

7.1967 .IBM builds the first floppy disk.

8.1968 .Douglas Engelbart, of the Stanford Research Institute, demonstrates mouse.
             Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore found Intel Corporation.

9.1969. Advanced Micro Devices Incorporated is founded.
            Unix is developed at AT&T's Bell Laboratories.

10.1971. Niklaus Wirth invents the Pascal programming language

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Recruitment of Constables (General Duty -GD) in the Indo Tibet Border Police Force (ITBPF), Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles - 2013

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) invites application for the following  49080 posts  of Constables (GD) in BSF, CISF, CRPF and SSB :  
  • Constable (General Duty - GD) / Rifleman (GD)  
    : 22000 posts approx. in various states and in various CAPFs, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2000, Age : 18-23 years as on 01/01/2013, Qualification : 10th pass or Matriculation or High School
Written Examination - on 12th May 2013.

Fee Payable : Rs.50/- (No fee for Women/ SC/ST and Ex-Servicemen) by means of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS)  or SBI Challan or online payment through account with the State Bank of India.

How to Apply :   The application must be submitted only in the prescribed format online or on paper. 

Online - Candidates can apply Online at from 15/12/2012 to09/01/2013 (Part-I) and up to 11/01/2013 for Part-II. 

Offline - Application in prescribed format should be sent on or before 11/01/2013 (18/01/2013 for candidates from far-flung areas) and should be send to any of the 9 regional/sub-offices of SSC where candidates want to apply.  

For further details and application form, please view,2013.pdf and offlineapplication form is available at

Saturday, December 15, 2012


1.Never use sticky oil 
2.Apply sunsilk like shampoo for cleaning the nook and corner of hair
3.Allow the hair to dry after bath.
4.Expose hair to Sun
5. I blow-dry my hair with a round boar's-hair-bristle brush. The round brush gives my hair tons of body, and the soft bristles make my hair extra shiny.
6. Never forget to comb at regular interval
This post is written as a part of 'Straight Hair Experiment' contest conducted by Sunsilk and Indiblogger.

Cyber Law in India : Various offences & Sections : Sec Assistant Examination : Kerala PSC

Cyber Law in India

1. Tampering with computer source Documents Sec.65

2. Hacking with computer systems , Data Alteration Sec.66

3. Sending offensive messages through communication service, etc Sec.66A

4. Dishonestly receiving stolen computer resource or communication device Sec.66B

5. Identity theft Sec.66C

6. Cheating by personation by using computer resource Sec.66D

7. Violation of privacy Sec.66E

8. Cyber terrorism Sec.66F

9. Publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form Sec .67

10. Publishing or transmitting of material containing sexually explicit act, etc. in
electronic form Sec.67A

11. Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material depicting children in
sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form Sec.67B

11. Preservation and Retention of information by intermediaries Sec.67C

12. Powers to issue directions for interception or monitoring or decryption of any
information through any computer resource Sec.69

13. Power to issue directions for blocking for public access of any information
through any computer resource Sec.69A

14. Power to authorize to monitor and collect traffic data or information through
any computer resource for Cyber Security Sec.69B

15. Un-authorized access to protected system Sec.70

16. Penalty for misrepresentation Sec.71

17. Breach of confidentiality and privacy Sec.72

18. Publishing False digital signature certificates Sec.73

19. Publication for fraudulent purpose Sec.74

29. Act to apply for offence or contraventions committed outside India Sec.75

21. Compensation, penalties or confiscation not to interfere with other
punishment Sec.77

22. Compounding of Offences Sec.77A

23. Offences with three years imprisonment to be cognizable Sec.77B

24. Exemption from liability of intermediary in certain cases Sec.79

25. Punishment for abetment of offences Sec.84B

26. Punishment for attempt to commit offences Sec.84C

27. Offences by Companies Sec.85



Friday, December 14, 2012

Recruitment of Assistant Engineers (Civil & Electrical) and Assistant Executive Engineers ( Structural )

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for recruitment of Engineers in the Administrative Officer cadres in the Life Insurance Corporation of India. :
    1. Assistant Engineer (Civil) : 10 posts, Age : 21-30 years, Pay Scale :  Rs. 17240 –32640
    2. Assistant Engineer (Electrical) : 20 posts, Age : 21-30 years, Pay Scale :  Rs. 17240 –32640
    3. Assistant Executive Engineer (Structural) : 09  posts, Age :  25-35 years, Pay Scale :  Rs. 23120 –34460 
    Application Fee :A crossed Bank Demand Draft for Rs.400/- valid for three months drawn in favour of ‘Life Insurance Corporation of India’ payable at Mmumbai should be enclosed. SC/ST/ PH candidates are not required to pay any fee. 

    How to Apply : Complete application Super scribed “Application for the Post of ________ in LIC - SC/ ST/OBC /GEN/ECO/SSRCO/ PH” (whichever is applicable) at the left hand top corner of the envelope together with the enclosures should be send on or before 14/01/2013 addressed to :

    The Executive Director (Personnel), Life Insurance Corporation of India, Central Office, Yogakshema, Jeevan Bima Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021.

    Details and a link to Apply Online is available at

    Wednesday, December 12, 2012

    Cyber Law Questions : Kerala PSC Sec Asst Exam 2012

    Cyber Crime is that “It is a crime where a computer is either a target or a tool of the crime.”

    1. Use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization.
    a) email bombing b) spamming c) Cyberstalking d) Phishing d) None of these

    2. Which section of IT Act covers most of the common crimes arising out of “Unauthorised Access”
    a) Section 66  b) Section 67 c)Section 73 d) Section 74 e) None of these

    3. Section 66F of IT Act deals with 
    a)Cyberstalking b) email bombing c) child pornography  d) cyber terrorism  e) DoS

    4. The crime child pornography comes under 
    a) Section 66F  b) Section 67B c)Section 67A d) Section 66 e) None of these

    5. India's First case of cyber stalking registered at
    a) Delhi b) Bangalore c) Chennai d) Mumbai e) Kochi

    6. use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages is called
    a) email bombing b) spamming c) Cyberstalking d) Phishing e) None of these

    7.India's first cyber police station
    a) Delhi b) Bangalore c) Chennai d) Mumbai e) Kochi

    8.Term used for a process to verify the validity of stolen card
    a) skimming b) bullying c) carding d) Phishing e) sneaking

    9.First Cyber Crime Police Station of Kerala state started functioning at
    a) Kannur b) Thiruvananthapuram c) Kozhikode d) Malappuram e) Kochi

    10.Act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames,passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity is called 
    a) email bombing b) spamming c) Cyberstalking d) Phishing e) None of these

    11. A challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a human being
    a) skimmer b) captcha c) doodle d) Phishing e) None of these

    12.sending numerous duplicate mails to the same email address
    a) email bombing b) spamming c) Cyberstalking d) Phishing e) None of these

    13. The famous personality Ankit Fadia is associated with
    a) ethical hacking b) anti virus programs c) doodle d) Phishing e) None of these

    14. person who attracts users to spam related websites by loading hidden copies of popular keywords
    a) hacker b) cracker c) spammer d) spamdexter e) doodler

    15. What SEO means
    a) Software engineering object b) Search Engine Optimization c) Search Engine Output d) Software estimate optimizer e) None of these.

    16.The practice of making a transmission appear to come from an authorized user.
    a) hacking b) spoofing c) spamming d) spamdexing e) sneaking

    17. The science of secret writing is called
    a) cryptography  b) Ergonomics c) steganography d) optics e) none of these

    18. " Do no evil " is the motto of
    a) Yahoo b) Google c) Microsoft d) Adobe e) Intel

    19.A mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital message or document
    a) encryption b) Decryption c) cryptograph d) Ergonomics e) Digital Signature

    20. Video sharing website recently launched by Iran
    a) utube b) itube c) mehr d) ivideos e) none of these

    21. Which of the following is a cyber crime?
    a)Hacking  b)Worm attack c)Virus attack d) spamming (e)All of these

    22.In cyber law terminology ‘DoS’ means:
    a)Denial of Service b)Disk operating System c)Distant operator Service d)None of these

    23. By hacking web server taking control on another persons website called as web ..........
    a)Spoofing b)Hijacking c)Spamming d) Hosting e) None of these

    24.The seat of the Asian School of Cyber Laws:
    a)New Delhi b)Pune c)Chennai d)Hyderabad e)Thiruvananthapuram

    25. The Indian Parliament passed the Information Technology Bill, which is regarded as the mother legislation regulating the use of computers, computer systems and computer networks as also data and information in the electronic format, in the year:
    (a)2000 b)2001 c)2002 d)2003 e)2004

    26. .......... Is a computer connected to the internet that has been compromised by a hacker, computer virus or jrojan horse and can be used to perform malicious tasks of one sort of another under remote direction.
    a)Server b)Zombie c)Symbian d)None of these

    27. Programs that multiply like viruses but spread from computer to computer are called as:
    a)Worms b)Virus c)Boot d)None of these

    28.According to a report on crimes in India in 2011, published by the National Crime Records Bureau, the largest number of cyber crimes were registered in:
    (a)Maharashtra b)Uttar Pradesh c)Karnataka d)Andra Pradesh

    29. A type of cyber crime that occurs in pay per click online advertising when a person, automated script or computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating a charge per click without having actual interest in the target of the ad’s link.
    (a)Phishing(b)Zombie(c)Click fraud(d)None of these

    30. process of transforming plain text to unreadable scrambled text
    a) encryption b) Decryption c) cryptograph d) Ergonomics e) None of these

    Source :

    Monday, December 10, 2012

    Tallest Building in the World

    Ajoobi emarathein


    11/01/2013 Friday
    08.00 AM  to 09.15 AM
    Syllabus:  An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post. Viz. Degree in Law
    (Maximum Marks : 100)
    (Duration: 1.15 Hours)
    ( Medium of Questions: English)
    Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through the Website from 21/12/2012

    Saturday, December 8, 2012


    08.00 AM  to 09.15  AM

    Syllabus:  An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the technical  qualification prescribed for the post.

    (Maximum Marks : 100)
    (Duration: 1.15 Hours)
    ( Medium of Questions: English)
    Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through the Website from  09/01/2013
    Cat : 130/2011

    Thursday, December 6, 2012

    Recruitment to the post of Nursing/ Paramedical Staff in ESIC Model Hospitals & Medical College : Pharmacist (Allopathic) : 14 posts

    Online Applications  are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the posts of Nursing/ Paramedical for Haryana State :

    1. Staff Nurse : 238 posts 
    2. Occupational Therapist : 02 posts
    3. Physiotherapist : 01 post
    4. Pharmacist (Allopathic) : 14 posts
    5. Pharmacist (Ayurvedic) : 01 post
    6. Boiler Attendant : 03 posts
    7. Operation Theatre Assistant   : 09 posts
    8. Laboratory Assistant  : 17 posts
    9. Jr. Radiographer : 18 posts
    10. Nursing Orderly/ Ward Boy/Stretcher Bearer/Attendant : 213 posts
    11. Dresser : 07 posts
    12. Cook/ Cook Mate/Masalchi/ Bearer : 32 post
    13. Laundry Operator/ Assistant : 22 posts
    14. Plaster Assistant : 01 post
    15. Blood Bank Technician : 03 posts
    16. Audiometry Technician : 02 posts
    17. Refractionist : 01 post
    18. Dental Technician : 01 post
    19. ECG Technician : 08 posts
    20. Medical Social Worker : 01 post
    21. Junior Medical Record Technician : 09 posts
    Application Fee : Rs.125/- or Rs.75/- depending upon the grade pay to be deposited in any branch of Punjab National Bank through a payment challan. SC/ ST/ PWD/ Departmental Candidates, Female Candidates & Ex. Serviceman are exempted from payment.  

    How to Apply : Apply Online at ESIC Website on or before22/12/2012 only.  

    Please view for details and online submission of application.

    Wednesday, December 5, 2012

    HSST Economics in Kerala Higher Secondary Education

    Gazette Date: 30/11/2012
    Last Date: 02/01/2013
    Category No: 608/2012 

    Applications must be submitted online through the official website of the Commission after 'ONE TIME REGISTRATION'. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile.

    1 Department : Kerala Higher Secondary Education 
    2 Name of post : Higher Secondary School Teacher-Economics
    (Special Recruitment for ST only)
    3 Scale of pay : `  19240-34500
    4 No. of vacancies  : 6 (Six)
    Note:- The above Vacancies are now in existence. The Ranked List of selected candidates published by the Commission shall remain in force for a minimum period of one year and a maximum period of three years provided that the said list will not continue to be in force, if a new list after the expiry of the minimum period of one year is published.  Recruitment will be made for  the above vacancies and also for the vacancies reported for Special Recruitment  (for ST only ) during the pendency of the list. 
    5 Method of Appointment : Direct Recruitment (Special Recruitment from among Scheduled Tribes
    Note:- Applications received from candidates other than Scheduled Tribe candidates will be rejected. Individual communications regarding the rejection of their applications for the above reason will not be issued.
    6 Age : 20 – 45.
    Only Candidates born between 02.01.1967 and 01.01.1992 (including both the dates) are eligible to apply for this post. (No other age relaxation will be allowed)

    Tuesday, December 4, 2012

    Vocational Instructor in Computer Science / Application : Questions

    Vocational Instructor in Computer Science / Solved paper 

    sample questions for psc exam for vhsc instructor in computer science.

    Monday, December 3, 2012

    Lecturer in Various Subjects in Kerala Collegiate Education

    Gazette Date: 30.11.2012
    Last Date: 02.01.2013
    Category No: 575/2012 - 598/2012

    Applications must be submitted online through the Official website of the commission after “ONE
    TIME REGISTRATION”. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile.

    1 Department : Kerala Collegiate Education
    2 Name of Post :  Lecturer (in the following various Subjects)
    1. 575/12 Urdu
    2 576/12 Hindi
    3. 577/12 Tamil
    4. 578/12 English
    5. 579/12 Arabic
    6. 580/12 Malayalam
    7. 581/12 Kannada
    8. 582/12 History
    9. 583/12 Travel & Tourism
    10. 584/12 Islamic History
    11. 585/12 Economics
    12. 586/12 Chemistry
    13. 587/12 Geography
    14. 588/12 Zoology
    15. 589/12 Mathematics
    16. 590/12 Statistics
    17. 591/12 Political Science
    18. 592/12 Commerce
    19. 593/12 Psychology
    20. 594/12 Sociology
    21. 595/12 Music
    22. 596/12 Philosophy
    23. 597/12 Physics
    24. 598/12 Home Science (Food &
    Nutrition)3 Scale of pay :   U.G.C
    4 No.of vacancies :   Anticipated Vacancies

    The list of selected candidates published by the Commission in response to this notification shall remain in force for a minimum period of one year provided that the said list will continue to be in force till the publication of a new list after the expiry of the minimum period of one year or till the expiry of three years whichever is earlier. Candidates will be advised from the said list against the vacancies noted above and the vacancies that may be reported to the Commission in writing during the period of currency of the list.

    More details available at

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