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Sunday, September 16, 2012


Entrance examination will be conducted by the Commissioner for Entrance 
Examinations for the selection of candidates for admission to MCA Course. All 
candidates who are eligible for admission and whose application have been 
accepted will be allowed to appear for the Entrance Examination. The Entrance 
Examination will be of two hours duration and will be conducted at selected venues 
in Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam and Kozhikode. 12 

a) The questions for the Entrance Examination will cover Mathematics, 
Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, General Knowledge, General English and 
Fundamentals of Computer Awareness at Graduate level.  The number of 
questions from each of the above area will be 20, except the last. For 
fundamentals of Computer Awareness, there will be 30 questions. 

b) Answer sheets (OMR Answer sheets) will be given to mark the answers.  All 
entries in the OMR Answer sheet including the filling of bubbles should be 
done by using ball point pen (blue or black ink) only. 
c) All questions will be of objective type and will be given in the form of a 
Question Booklet. Each answer with correct response shall be awarded three 
marks.  One mark will be deducted for each incorrect response and zero mark 
for the questions not answered.  More than one answer indicated against a 
question will be deemed as incorrect response and will be given negative 
d) The Question Booklets can be taken by the candidates at the end of the 
e) In the case of tie in the total marks in the Entrance Examination, the 
candidates scoring higher marks in the section 'Fundamentals of Computer 
Awareness' in the Entrance Examination will be placed higher in the rank.  If 
the tie still exists, the candidate having higher age will be given preference. 
f) Publication of Results-  The rank list for admission to the course will be 
published on the basis of the total marks secured by the candidates for the 
Entrance Examination.  
g) Publication of Category Lists- Separate category–wise lists will be published 
for SEBC/SC/ST reservation, forward community BPL reservation and for 
persons with disability. Candidates are advised to verify the category list 
published by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations and satisfy 
themselves regarding their position in the list. If candidates have any 
complaint in this regard he/she may approach the Office of the 
Commissioner for Entrance Examinations within the notified time after 
publication of the category list, for  necessary action. Complaints received 
thereafter will not be entertained.
All Candidates applied for MCA Course are directed to send printout of application form along with supporting documents on or before 25/09/2012.

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