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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Young Professional Programme (UN Civil Services) : last date extended

The United Nations (UN) in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs and Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) is conducting the the Young Professional Programme (UN Civil Services) Examination 2012, a recruitment initiative that brings new talent to the United Nations through an annual entrance examination.

The examination is open to Indian Nationals for the first time after many years (It is a great opportunity for Indian Job Seekers). For young, high-calibre professionals, the programme is a plateform for launching a career at the United Nations.  Applications from women are strongly encouraged.

Qualification :
  • 32 years as on 31/12/2012
  • Bachelor's or Master's University Degree in the subject related to the job family that you are applying to 
  •  Fluent in English or French
This year the examination is offered to candidates with academic background in : 
  1. Architecture
  2. Economic Affairs
  3. Information System and Technology
  4. Political Affairs
  5. Radio Producer (Kiswahili/ Portuguese)
  6. Social Affairs
The YPP Examination will be held on 05/12/2012 in New Delhi

How to Apply : Apply Online at UN Career website on or before 12/09/2012 19/09/2012only.

Please visit website for all the details and to apply Online.

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