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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

IT & CyberLaw Model Paper 2016

IT & CyberLaw : Model Exam Questions : University Asst Exam 

Each Question carries One Marks Each
1.      Who is the developer of Linux Kernel ?
a)      Richard Stallman
b)     Linus Torvald
c)      Dennis Ritchie
d)     Bob Kahn
2.      Politically motivated use of computers and information technology to cause severe disruption or widespread fear.
a)      Cyber Stalking
b)     Cyber Spoofing
c)      Cyber Squatting
d)     Cyber Terrorism
3.      A pre-release of software hat is given out to a large group of users to try under real condition is
a)      Alpha Version
b)     Beta Version
c)      Web Version
d)     None of these
4.      Which of the following is an impact printer?
a)      Laser Printer
b)     Thermal Printer
c)      DMP
d)     Inkjet Printer

5.      Building block of a database is _______
a)      Field
b)     Record
c)      File
d)     None of these
6.      Organizing the contents of mass storage device used to store files into the smallest number of contiguous regions.
a)      Fragmentation
b)     Defragmentation
c)      Allocation
d)     De Allocation
7.      What is the diameter of a Compact Disk?
a)      100 mm
b)     150 mm
c)      120 mm
d)     None of these
8.      A WiFi technology uses ______
a)      Infrared
b)     Ultra Violet
c)      Radio waves
d)     None of these
9.      A malware program that is designed to take full control of the machine’s Operating System
a)      Root kit
b)     Trojan Horse
c)      Worm
d)     Adware
10.   The Largest Software company in India
a)      Infosys
b)     TCS
c)      WIPRO

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