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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

IT & Cyberlaw : University Asst Exam 2016 : Model Q & A

1.      Jeff Bezos is the founder of ___________________
a)      Flipkart
b)     Infibeam
c)      Ebay
d)     Amazon
Answer: (d)
Amazon is the largest e-Commerce retailer in the world founded in the year in 1994.
2.      1024 Tera Bytes equal to
a)      1KB
b)     1GB
c)      1PB
d)     1EB
Answer: ( c )
1PB ( Peta Bytes ) is Quadrillion Bytes
3.      Microsoft’s Personal Assistant for Windows Desktops and Smart Phones
a)      SIRI
b)     Google Now
c)      Dreamweaver
d)     Cortana

Answer: ( d)
Cortana is an Artificial Intelligent Application similar to Apple SIRI and Google Now.
4.      What is the expanded form of JVM?
a)      Java Virtual Machine
b)     Java Vital Machine
c)      Joint Virtual Machine
d)     Joint Vital Machine
Answer: (a)
JVM is an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run a java program.
5.      In Which generation of computers the integration technology ULSI is used ?
a)      First
b)     Second
c)      Fourth
d)     Fifth
Answer: ( d)

Fifth Generation computers uses ULSI chips. ULSI short for Ultra Large Scale Integration.

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