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Saturday, January 10, 2015

IT and Cyber Law Lessons & Questions for upcoming PSC Sec Asst Exam 2015

Spamming , Spoofing , Phishing , Hacking etc 
Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages, especially advertising, indiscriminately. While the most widely recognized form of spam is e-mail spam, the term is applied to similar abuses in other media: Web search engine spam, spam in blogs etc. Email spam, also known as unsolicited bulk Email (UBE), junk mail, or unsolicited commercial email (UCE), is the practice of sending unwanted email messages, frequently with commercial content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients. A person who creates electronic spam is called a spammer.

Email spoofing is email activity in which the sender address and other parts of the email header are altered to appear as though the email originated from a different source.

Types of Hackers & Ethical hacking
Hacker means someone who finds weaknesses in a computer or computer network, though the term can also refer to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks.


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