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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

SECRETARIAT ASSISTANT : A Wonderful Job for Graduates in Kerala

Why Secretariat Assistant Exam ?

Getting a job based on graduation is the dream of millions of job seekers in India. Assistant popularly known as Secretariat Assistant is such a job. It is a common rank list for appointment in a few major organizations in Kerala. They are Government Secretariat, Public Service Commission, Local Fund Audit, Advocate General’s Office and Anti Corruption Bureau.

Getting in the Rank List doesn’t guarantee a job in Secretariat. But majority of vacancies are filled in the three wings of Secretariat – Finance Department, Legislature, and General Administration of Secretariat. So once a candidate enters in the rank list, he has 60% chance to get into Secretariat Service. No one needs to be worried about this; other services are also equally attractive.
The most attractive feature of Secretariat Assistant is its promotion scope, growth, authority and power. 

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