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Saturday, January 10, 2015

PSC Exam : Online Preparation : Sec Asst Exam 2015

? The chemical name of Vitamin E is

 (A) Cyanocobaramin
 (B) Carotene
 (C) Riboflavin
 (D) Tocopherol

? Vegetables grown by the roadside have a higher content of which mineral?

 (A) Sodium
 (B) Potassium
 (C) Lead
 (D) All the above

? Sodium metal is kept under 

 (A) water
 (B) alcohol
 (C) petrol
 (D) kerosene

? Who is known as the Father of Internet?

 (A) Charles Babbage
 (B) Vinton G Cerf
 (C) Sabir Bhattia
 (D) Ray Tomilson

? Which game is associated with ‘Bulls Eye’?

 (A) Rugby
 (B) Shooting
 (C) Hockey
 (D) Tennis

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