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Tuesday, February 3, 2015


(CATEGORY No. 167/2013 & 387/2013)


BOOK KEEPING AND ACCOUNTANCY : Introduction to Accounting-Meaning, Definition,
Need, Importance, Advantages , Capital and Revenue, Reserves, Provision, Depreciation,Accounting concepts and conventions- Journal and journal Entry , Leger and ledger Postings,Preparation of Cash Book ( Three column), Preparation of Trial Balance- Rectification of errorsPreparation of Final Accounts of Sole Trader.

PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTS: Basic Concepts, Nature- Partnership Act, 1932 and Limited
Liability Partnership Act, 2008, Partnership Deed - Preparation of Final Accounts –
Reconstitution of Partnership firm-Admission, Retirement, Death and Dissolution.
JOINT STOCK COMPANY-Accounting for Share Capital, Issue and Redemption of DebenturesPreparationof Final Accounts .

COST ACCOUNTING: Meaning, Objectives, Concept of Cost, Elements of Cost –Material,
Labour, Overhead , Cost Sheet and its Preparation, Cost Classification, Cost Unit, Cost Centre,
Cost Estimate and Ascertainment , Cost Allocation and Apportionment, Cost Reduction and
Cost Control, Installation of Costing System , Methods and Techniques of Costing –Contract
Costing, Job Costing, Tender Costing .

MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING: Meaning, Definition – Functions, Scope, Functions of
Management Accountant, Management Accounting Principles, Utility of Management
Accounting, Tools of Management Accounting: Fund Flow Analysis –Need, Meaning, Uses of
Funs Flow Statement, Schedule of changes in Working Capital, Preparation of Fund Flow
Statement , , Funds Forecast.
Cash Flow Analysis –Need, Meaning, Importance, Utility, Sources of Cash, Application of
Cash, Format of Cash Flow Statement, Preparation of Cash Flow Statement, Difference
Between Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statement, Cash Forecast.
Budgetary Control- Meaning of Budget, Budgeting and Budgetary control, Preparation of
various Budgets, Classification of Budgets-Fixed and Flexible, Budgetary Control as a
Management Tool, Installation of Budgetary Control System, Limitations of Budgetary Control
System- Zero based Budgeting.
Working Capital Management – Working Capital –concept , definition, Types, Factors
Determining Working Capital , Estimation of Working Capital ,Working Capital Management –
meaning, Management of Cash, Management of Inventories, Management of Accounts
Receivables and Management of Accounts Payables- Over and Under Trading, Banking PolicyDehajia,
Tandon and Chore Committees.
 Financial Management
1. Finance Function -: Meaning, Scope and Objectives of Financial Management, Financial
Forecasting, Financial Planning and steps in Financial Planning.
2. Investment Decision -: Long Term Investment, Capital Budgeting Process, Selection of
Projects, Estimation of Cash Flows, Project Evaluation Techniques, Pay back period,
Average Rate of Return, Net Present Value Method and Internal Rate of Return.
3. Finance Decision -: Sources of Funds, Long Term , Medium Term and Short Term,
Equity Shares , Preference Shares, Debentures and Bonds, Institutional Borrowings,
Public Deposits, Lease Financing, Venture Capital, Commercial Paper and Factoring.
4. Capital Structure and Cost of Capital -: Meaning, Capital Structure Planning, Optimum
Capital Structure, Capital Structure Theories, Net Income Approach, Net Operating
Income Approach, Traditional Approach and Modi Gilani Miller Approach. Cost of
Capital- Meaning, Computation, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity, Cost of Preference Shares
And Weighted Average Cost of Capital.
5. Dividend Decision -: Factors influencing Dividend Policy, Cash Dividend, Stock Dividend
and Stock Split, Dividend Models, Walter’s Model, Gordon’s Model and Modi Gilani Miller
Module – I
(i) The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, The Central Sales Tax Rules
(Registration and Turnover), 1956, and The Central Sales Tax (Kerala)
Rules, 1957 :
Definitions – Interstate Sale - Interstate Trade or Commerce, Imports, Exports
– Declared Goods-Authorities- Registration of Dealers-Rates of Tax-
Determination of Turn over – Levy and Collection of Tax- Appeal- Offences
and Penalties.
(ii) The Kerala General Sales Tax Act, 1963, and The Kerala General Sales
Tax Rules, 1963 :
Definitions- Authorities- Incidence and Levy of Tax- Registration and Permit
– Assessment and Collection – Inspection – Appeal and Revision – Refund –
Offences and Penalties.
(iii) The Kerala Value Added Tax Act, 2003, and The Kerala Value Added Tax
Rules, 2005 :
Definitions- Authorities- Incidence and Levy of Tax – Registration and Permit
– Assessment – Recovery - Inspection – Appeal – Revision – Settlement of
Cases- Refund – Offences and Penalties.
Module – II
(i) The Kerala Agricultural Income Tax Act, 1991 , and The Kerala
Agricultural Income Tax Rules, 1991 :
Definitions – Authorities- Charge, Computation and Composition of TaxClubbing
of Income- Procedure for assessment – Collection and Recovery –
Appeal and Revision- Refund – Offences and Penalties.
(ii) The Kerala Money Lenders’ Act, 1958 :
Definitions – Authorities- Licensing Procedure – Interest and Charges –
Power to Deposit in Court – Duties of Money Lenders- Power to Cancel
Licence- Offences and Penalties
(iii) The Kerala Tax on Luxuries Act, 1976 , and The Kerala Tax on Luxuries
Rules, 1976 :
Definitions- Authorities- Levy and Collection – Registration of
Establishments – Returns- Compounding- Assessment and Collection –
Confiscation –Refund – Appeal and Revision – Offences and Penalties.
(iv) The Kerala Revenue Recovery Act, 1968, and The Kerala Revenue
Recovery Rules, 1968 :
Definitions – Modes of Recovery of Arrears of Public Revenue –Procedural
Formalities- Remedies.
Module – III
(i) The Indian Contract Act, 1872 :
Requisites of Contract- Formalities – Consideration – Void Agreements and
Voidable Contracts- Vitiating Elements – Contingent Contract- Performance –
Breach – Modes of Discharge of Contract- Quasi Contract – DamagesIndemnity
– Guarantee- Bailment- Agency .
(ii) Sale of Goods Act, 1930 :
Definitions – Contract of Sale- Effect- Performance- Rights and Liabilities of
Seller and Buyer- Condition and Warranty – Auction Sale – Caveat Emptor –
(iii) Indian Partnership Act, 1932, and The Limited Liability Partnership Act,
2008 :
 Definitions – Nature – Relation of Partners- Types of Partnership- Rights and
 Liabilities of Partners- Modes of Dissolution- Incorporation – Liability –
 Investigation- Winding up and Dissolution.

PART III a: Salient Features of Indian Constitution
Salient features of the Constitution - Preamble- Its significance and its place in the
interpretation of the Constitution.
Fundamental Rights - Directive Principles of State Policy - Relation between Fundamental
Rights and Directive Principles - Fundamental Duties.
Executive - Legislature - Judiciary - Both at Union and State Level. - Other Constitutional
Centre-State Relations - Legislative - Administrative and Financial.
Services under the Union and the States.
Emergency Provisions.
Amendment Provisions of the Constitution.

PART III b. Social Welfare Legislations and Programmes
Social Service Legislations like Right to Information Act, Prevention of atrocities against Women
& Children, Food Security Act, Environmental Acts etc. and Social Welfare Programmes like
Employment Guarantee Programme, Organ and Blood Donation etc.

Introduction to English education - various missionary organisations and their functioningfounding
of educational institutions, factories, printing press etc.

(A) Socio-Religious reform Movements
SNDP Yogam, Nair Service Society, Yogakshema Sabha, Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham,
Vaala Samudaya Parishkarani Sabha, Samathwa Samajam, Islam Dharma Paripalana
Sangham, Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha, Sahodara Prasthanam etc.
(B) Struggles and Social Revolts
Upper cloth revolts.Channar agitation, Vaikom Sathyagraha, Guruvayoor Sathyagraha, Paliyam
Sathyagraha. Kuttamkulam Sathyagraha, Temple Entry Proclamation, Temple Entry Act
.Malyalee Memorial, Ezhava Memorial etc.
Malabar riots, Civil Disobedience Movement, Abstention movement etc.
Malayalee, Swadeshabhimani, Vivekodayam, Mithavadi, Swaraj, Malayala Manorama,
Bhashaposhini, Mathnubhoomi, Kerala Kaumudi, Samadarsi, Kesari, AI-Ameen, Prabhatham,
Yukthivadi, etc

Novel, Drama, Poetry, Purogamana Sahithya Prasthanam, Nataka Prashtanam, Library
movement etc

Parvathi Nenmenimangalam, Arya Pallam, A V Kuttimalu Amma, Lalitha Prabhu.Akkamma
Cheriyan, Anna Chandi, Lalithambika Antharjanam and others

Thycaud Ayya Vaikundar, Sree Narayana Guru, Ayyan Kali.Chattampi Swamikal, Brahmananda
Sivayogi, Vagbhadananda, Poikayil Yohannan(Kumara Guru) Dr Palpu, Palakkunnath Abraham
Malpan, Mampuram Thangal, Sahodaran Ayyappan, Pandit K P Karuppan, Pampadi John 
Joseph, Mannathu Padmanabhan, V T Bhattathirippad, Vakkom Abdul Khadar Maulavi, Makthi
Thangal, Blessed Elias Kuriakose Chaavra, Barrister G P Pillai, TK Madhavan, Moorkoth
Kumaran, C. Krishnan, K P Kesava Menon, Dr.Ayyathan Gopalan, C V Kunjuraman, Kuroor
Neelakantan Namboothiripad, Velukkutty Arayan, K P Vellon, P K Chathan Master, K Kelappan,
P. Krishna Pillai, A K Gopalan, T R Krishnaswami Iyer, C Kesavan. Swami Ananda Theerthan ,
M C Joseph, Kuttippuzha Krishnapillai and others

Kodungallur Kunhikkuttan Thampuran, KeralaVarma Valiyakoyi Thampuran, Kandathil Varghesc
Mappila. Kumaran Asan, Vallathol Narayana Menon, Ulloor S Parameswara Iyer, G Sankara
Kurup, Changampuzha Krishna Pillai, Chandu Menon, Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. Kesav
Dev, Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai, Ponkunnam Varky, S K Pottakkad and others

 General Knowledge and Current Affairs

NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper.

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