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Thursday, February 19, 2015

IT & Cyber Law : Sec Asst Exam 2015

1. The digital security system that uses some unique characteristic of human biology to identify authorized users:
(A) Biometrics (B) PIN Number (C)Encryption (D)Password

2. ‘Do no evil ‘ is the tag line of
(a) Yahoo b) IBM c) Wipro d) Google

3. The concept of ‘stored program computer’ is first proposed by
(a) John Von Neumann (b) Charles babage (c) Lady Ada (d) George Bool

4.PDF is the acronym for
(a) Personal digital assistant form (b) Personal digital file (c) Portable document Format (d) Portable digital file

5. An artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user accepts it as a real environment.
(A) Virtual Reality (B)Digital Reality (C)Dream (D)Artificial Reality

6. The process of loading O/S from the secondary storage on to RAM is known as ----------------- a) Loading b) Booting c) Linking d) Compiling

7. Which device is used for reading DD/Cheque number in bank
(a) OCR (b) OMR (c) MICR (d) OBR

8.Which is volatile memory
 (a) PEN DRIVE (b) DVD (c) ROM (d) RAM

9.Super computer of India unveiled on 8 February 2013 (a) PARAM 10000 (b) Prithivi (c) PARAM Yuva II (d) Cray - II

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